Pre-Task Plan app

Prevent safety issues and remain compliant by using this Pre-Task Plan app to make your Pre-Task Plans easy to complete, store and reference.

Trusted by over 250,000 people from built-world companies of all sizes

~2,500 employees

~10,000 employees

~10 employees

~200 employees

~25,000 employees

~1,000 employees

~1,500 employees

~30 employees

~25 employees

~6,000 employees

~20 employees

~400 employees

~40 employees

~5,000 employees

~50 employees

~35,000 employees

The quick, easy and powerful pre-task plan app

  • Digital pre-task plans

  • E-signatures

  • Offline mode

  • Location tagging

  • One-click send

  • Required fields

  • Kanban workflows

  • Tables & dropdowns

  • Photo and video

  • Conditional logic

  • Contactless sign

  • PDF & photo markup

  • Photo stamping

  • Automated formulas

  • Draft and autosave

  • iOS and Android

Create pre-built digital Pre-Task Plans for your team to fill out

Pre-Task Plans work well when they are focused and specific. Create custom PTP templates or choose one from the template library which you can edit in minutes.

The standardised free Pre-Task Plan comes with all of the fields and sections to add checklist items, take attendance, build a work plan and get signoff approval.

Quickly and easily capture worker sign-on

Take Pre-Task Plan signoff and attendance quickly and easily by scanning your teams digital IDs.

When scanned, they're added to the PTP with their details and signature, or you can capture manual digital eSignatures from a mobile or tablet.

Record new PTPs and access existing plans on site via mobile and tablet

Provide your workforce with access to Pre-Task Plans on site, empowering them with the most up to date job step and control information to do their job safely and productively.

Amend your PTPs in the field accounting for site conditions and deploy changes for use immediately across all your projects and jobsites.

Review and approve Pre-Task Plans with workflows

Manage the requesting, recording and signing off on Pre-Task Plans with automated workflows.

Get notifications when a new PTP needs to be completed or needs signoff approval.

Share Pre-Task Plans from the app in a single click

Make it easy for your team to access Pre-Task Plans or for external 3rd parties in case of a compliance audit.

Export completed docs as perfectly formatted CSV or PDF with brand colours and company logo.

Get insights on Pre-Task Plan performance in the Analytics Dashboard

Uncover actionable insights from your PTPs in the Analytics Dashboard.

Use a combination of frequency, bar and ratio charts, filter and breakdown by team, project, location and more to dig deeper into your team's performance.

Reduce double-handling of your Pre-Task Plans

Toggle between Timeline and Register Views to get quick information about your Pre-Task Plans

Real-time project management register
Project management register

More than 'just' a pre-task plan app

Pre-Task Plans are an important step for health and safety, but it's not the only document you're dealing with on a daily or weekly basis.

Dashpivot is a flexible tool which has pre-built workflows for other health and safety use cases like risk assessments, permits, safety audits and more, or timesheets, site diaries, daily logs and more.

Use Dashpivot as just a pre-task plan app, or integrate your entire health and safety workflow.

Try the Pre-Task Plan app and software for yourself for free